Victor Chun - YWAM DTS 2010-2011

Victor Chun - YWAM DTS 2010-2011

$13,497 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • United States
  • Youth With A Mission
  • Jubilee Missionaries
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Financial Donation for Victor's DTS

Financial Donation for Victor's DTS

2,000 USD - Round-trip ticket to Kona, Hawaii
4,000 USD - 3-month training at Kona
6,000 USD - 3-month outreach (location TBD)

12,000 USD - Total

Prayer Support

Prayer Support

Please commit to praying for me before, during, and/or after the DTS

- pray that God will give me the faith to believe that He will provide for me to go to Kona
- pray that God will prepare my heart to be opened to what He will show me in Kona and on the mission field
- pray that I will be able to be humble before people who may be a lot younger than me that will be leading and ministering to me

- pray for physical and spiritual protection while at Kona and on outreach
- pray that I will be open to divine appointments and also for opportunities to minister there
- pray for Jubilee Missions and Pastor Dan as he will take care of the ministry while I'm gone

- pray for readjustment to life in Seoul and ministry at Jubilee
- pray that whatever I've gained at Kona, that I will be able to impart that to the community at Jubilee with love

Kona 2011 March Update

March 22, 2011

Dear Friends,
It's already been two months here and I can't believe that we only have less than two more weeks to go before I head off to the West Coast for the USA.  Instead of covering everything that's been going on here (that would be impossible!) I'll give you a short bullet-point rundown of what's been going on here:

Most of you must have heard that the tsunami that started in Japan actually reached the Hawaiian Islands.  We were all hanging out last Thursday night after Steve Saint (Nate Saint's son) spoke at our Thurs. Night Gathering and we heard the tsunami warning sirens go off.  Within a few hours our school had people come up from the shoreline to meet as a safety gathering point.  The tsunami was predicted to hit the shores at 3AM, but the biggest waves came at around 5AM Friday morning.  Praise God nobody was hurt or killed, but there was extensive damage to many homes and businesses along the shore.  Our base was able to help those in need after the tsunami and also minister.  I wend down to the shore just this past week and it looks almost like nothing happened, so PTL for God's mercy!

At this past Thursday Night Gathering, they had a missionary family that just came back from Japan explain about what happened there and also there was a call to respond by committing to time in and/or prayer for Japan.  If any of you know my story, you know that it was in Japan that I both met Jesus and was called to missions, so Japan has always been in my heart.  It was amazing to see so many people moved by the call to go to Japan and I really felt that God was reminding me of my heart for Japan.  So, whether I will stay long term or short term, I made the commitment to help see revival in Japan somehow (God will work out the details!).

I've been learning so much from classes that I'll definitely have to bullet point the things that I learned in each week.

Andy Byrd (one of our school leaders) - He recast the vision of Fire and Fragrance that we could be a people who live centered around the presence of Jesus and have unapologetic faith in revival and reformation by planting communities all over the world.

Steve and Angie Thompson - They are leaders at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.  Steve spoke about God's original plan for mankind, that it never changed.  That God's plan is not only about personal salvation, but that God has created us in His image and after His likeness so that we have dominion and authority over the earth.

Mark Herringshaw - He's one of the leaders here on the Kona base.  He reiterated the importance of the Word of God and how to read it.  Here is a quote to ponder: "Never study the Bible, put yourself in a position where the Spirit and the Bible study you."

Dr. Emmanuel Ziga - He was an amazing teacher/preacher from Kenya that really brought the word of God.  By the way all of what I studied is available on iTunes podcasts at "Fire and Fragrance Kona".

Dick Eastman who is the president of Every Home for Christ came and gave us a seminar about the Tabernacle of David and the 24/7 prayer/worship movement that he basically pioneered.

Paul and Suzie Childers came and taught on Justice in missions and basically gave testimony on how they were single-handedly able to affect justice issues through prayer and action.

Eric Fish and Dr. Pam (forgot her last name) - they brought amazing teaching on discipleship and apostolic church planting.  This week rocked my world about what church is and how we do it.

Allen Hood is one of the leaders of IHOP and he basically brought teaching on the marriage of prayer and missions.  He also brought the fire of God!

Sean Feucht is one of the founders of 24/7 burn, which are prayer houses established all over the world and he also taught about the prayer and missions movement.

As you can see there has been so much rich teaching here and I'm really excited to go on outreach and apply all the things I've learned!

Here is the basic outreach schedule:
March 31 - Arrive in San Diego
April 3 - April 29 - in Los Angeles
April 29th to May 1st - Redding, CA, at Bethel Church
May 2 - May 11th Corvallis, OR
May 12 - June 10, Seattle, Washington

Prayer Requests
Please pray for travel mercies during my trip to the US.  Although we are not traveling to another country, we will be on the road a lot so please pray that we are covered in terms of traveling and health.

Please pray for the team that we would be a family of Jesus followers.  One of the words that we about our team was "family".  Please pray for unity and love amongst our team.  We will also be visiting some of our families while we are on the West Coast.  I'll actually have a chance to meet my Dad and brother Ricky, so please keep that meeting in prayer.

Please pray that our team would be centered around the presence of God and that we would be able to follow how the Holy Spirit is leading us during the trip.  Another word that the leaders gave our team was "worship."  So, pray that we would have worshipful hearts as we bring revival and transformation wherever we go!

Funds - For all of those who have supported with funds, I thank you for your support and at the end of the trip, I'll be able to give a summary of how the funds were used.  I'm actually around $1000 short of what I need for the rest of the trip, so if the Lord leads you to support more, you can do so through the Jubilink website at

Finally, I just want to thank you for all your prayers and support and just tell you that I can't wait to see you all again and share the wonderful things that God's imparted to me here.  This has really been a sweet time of my life and I will never forget this time.  It's only half over, so I'll try to keep you all posted of the goings-on while I'm on the road.

I'd love to hear from you all and I apologize in advance for delayed replies, but I'll be sure to get back to each one of you, so don't hesitate to write!

Much love in Jesus,

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