Victor Chun - YWAM DTS 2010-2011

Victor Chun - YWAM DTS 2010-2011

$13,497 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • United States
  • Youth With A Mission
  • Jubilee Missionaries
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Financial Donation for Victor's DTS

Financial Donation for Victor's DTS

2,000 USD - Round-trip ticket to Kona, Hawaii
4,000 USD - 3-month training at Kona
6,000 USD - 3-month outreach (location TBD)

12,000 USD - Total

Prayer Support

Prayer Support

Please commit to praying for me before, during, and/or after the DTS

- pray that God will give me the faith to believe that He will provide for me to go to Kona
- pray that God will prepare my heart to be opened to what He will show me in Kona and on the mission field
- pray that I will be able to be humble before people who may be a lot younger than me that will be leading and ministering to me

- pray for physical and spiritual protection while at Kona and on outreach
- pray that I will be open to divine appointments and also for opportunities to minister there
- pray for Jubilee Missions and Pastor Dan as he will take care of the ministry while I'm gone

- pray for readjustment to life in Seoul and ministry at Jubilee
- pray that whatever I've gained at Kona, that I will be able to impart that to the community at Jubilee with love

May Update

June 2, 2011

Dear Friends,
This may be the last update that I give before I come back to Korea and so much has happened, so I hope you're all ready!

In April, Our group was able to connect with New Song Church in Irvine, through a former YWAMer Karis Gibbons, whose father is the pastor of New Song.  They invited our team and other former YWAMers to stay at their house and pray over Southern California.  Karis' former DTS leader Jeff Reid led the time of seeking God's heart and we ended up worshipping and praying.  After that, God had us go to the Spectrum in Irvine, CA to do ministry on the Saturday evening.

The Spectrum
Irvine city is one of the richest cities in the US (7th richest according to Wikipedia) and the Spectrum shopping center is a good representation of the wealth there.  We went there not knowing what to expect, but that God was there and was surely going to move.  The first thing that we saw when our YWAM van pulled into the parking lot was a lady who was crying and sitting in the parking lot.  Two of our team members went to her and asked what was wrong.  She said that she had broken up with her boyfriend and that he had hit her.  Our teammates then continued talking to her and found out that she needed a ride home.  They spoke life into her and told her about her original design in Jesus.  She later said that if those two girls hadn't talked with her she would probably had killed herself.  She asked them if they were angels!  So, that was how the night started.

We all got together in front of the Red Robin restaurant and prayed and then split up.  I was able to talk to a few people directly about Jesus.  I would just go up to them and say something like, "Excuse me, I was just wondering if you know about Jesus."  I was rejected once, but for everyone else (around 6-7 people) I was able to just share about Jesus.  My teammates and I received specific words from God about people and we were able to pray for everyone. I really felt that God had already been working in all these people's hearts so I felt the grace to not beat around the bush and talk to them directly about Jesus.  I was also able to share with two Muslim people and they were very receptive. 

After we met back up we debriefed with the whole group.  I felt like how the disciples may have felt when they came back and reported to Jesus.  There were reports of people giving their lives to Jesus and also physical healings!  As we were debriefing, a 19-year-old not from our group got up on the fountain and started preaching old school style.  A crowd started gathering around him and our leaders then told us to go and support him.  After he boldly preached the gospel he asked if anyone wanted to get baptized.  A kid came up and the preacher was about to baptize him in the fountain, but then the security came and asked them to stop.  They escorted the preacher away and then one of our team members went up and told the crowd that us YWAMers were available if anyone had any questions or wanted receive prayer.  As soon as that happened, people literally came up to us and gave us permission to speak to them about Jesus! This was just a foreshadow of what God has in store for the entire West Coast of America!

Corvallis, Oregon
After LA, we stopped by Redding California and dropped by Bethel Church were we spent the weekend.  Pastor Bill Johnson preached a powerful message about Gideon's 300 men, which was one of the words that was given by Andy Byrd, one of our DTS leaders, about the whole Kona base this quarter! 
In Corvallis, we connected with some amazing young people who had started a prayer house and missional-community across from Oregon State University.  We basically did lots of eating and hanging out and also prayer and worship.  The fruit that flowed from that was that we went out onto the campus and began to just ask God who we were supposed to talk to.  Of course, God showed up in amazing ways as we just allowed Him to work through us!

Seattle, Washington
I'm here now in Seattle and it's been amazing to be so close to my hometown, Vancouver.  Every morning, we've been just going after God's heart through worship and intercession and then we go out in the afternoons to do ministry.  A lot of what we have been doing here is praying into our leader, Alex's vision to start a house of prayer, coffee shop, and community here in Seattle.  So far, we've seen God continue to work in and challenge our team.  There have been an abnormal amount of illness during this time.  However, we see that God is bringing us into new levels of intimacy with Him and also the power that comes with that.  We've also linked up with a house-church out here and have seen firsthand how authentic community in the presence of God looks like.

Finishing strong
I still have a little more than two weeks before I return to Korea and I'm at the point where I'm looking forward to sharing with all you guys what God's been imparting.  Most of all, I can't wait to see all you guys and personally thank you for being on this amazing God journey with me. 

Please continue to pray that I finish strong and that I get all that God has in store for me on this outreach.

Blessings to you all and see you soon!

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