Shauna Weir 2015-2019

Shauna Weir 2015-2019

$12,612 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Cambodia
  • Jubilee Church
  • Jubilee Missionaries
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

These one time donations will help cover the costs of continuing language school, visa fees, additional ministry costs, and love offerings for staff and others in need.
4,511,037 KRW

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

These donations will help cover regular monthly costs of rent, utilities, food, insurance, transportation, mental-health getaways, round trip airfare, and other miscellaneous items.
2,280,802 KRW a month.

Moving Onward: Year 2

July 28, 2017

Hello Faithful Friends & Supporters,

It's hard for me to believe, but I have officially begun my second year here in the "Kingdom of Wonder." This past first year was full of beauty, full of struggle, full of challenge and full of refining. It was packed with examples of His unconditional love and grace in my life and those around me, and overflowing with blessings of witnessing His Kingdom coming to this earth, just as it is in heaven. Little snapshots of "already, but not yet" in the truest sense. He is very much alive! The Lord is actively and lovingly pursuing the nation of Cambodia for His glory, and it's exciting to witness and be the smallest part of it.

As our current school year here comes to an end in August, I stand simply amazed that over 140 students had the opportunity to receive a quality education this year. Children who may otherwise have been wandering the streets were welcomed each day with open and loving arms. Students who come from hard and broken homes were met each day with joy, peace and comfort. Kids who may have otherwise been kidnapped and trafficked were instead welcomed into safety: safety to be, to learn and to dream. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and financial support that allow me to be here to witness this and walk alongside these wonderful individuals to support them as best I can. 

There is much to be excited about in the coming year! We will be starting 6th grade at the start of our new school year in October, so our current 5th graders will be staying with us for an additional year of learning and support. AIM will be working on a scholarship program for these students to continue their educational pursuits beyond Elementary Education in the future. In addition to this, we have RE-STARTED CONSTRUCTION ON OUR NEW SCHOOL BUILDING!!! We cannot be more thrilled about this and have patiently waited for the funding to arrive. His ways and His timing are not always what we want, but we can always trust that they are best. We hope to be moving into our new buildling next June or July (Summer 2018). This will open up MANY opportunties for us to grow, serve and educate a greater population of children and people in Svay Pak, as well as allow us to expand our educational offerings (ie: related arts classes, computer classes, etc...). 

I would so appreciate your on-going prayers for qualified individuals who He may also be calling to join us in our efforts here at AIM's school.  We are finding ourselves quite overloaded with everything that needs to be done, but we trust that His power is made perfect in our weakness and He does indeed supply our every need. I have experienced this beyond any kind of measure this past year. We will continue to take things one day at a time! Please also pray for continued strength and wisdom for me in my role; that I would lead like Jesus with a humble servant's heart. 

Love and gratitude to you all,


"A ship is always safe at shore...but that wasn't what the ship was built for" -A. Einstein

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