Shauna Weir 2015-2019

Shauna Weir 2015-2019

$12,612 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Cambodia
  • Jubilee Church
  • Jubilee Missionaries
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

These one time donations will help cover the costs of continuing language school, visa fees, additional ministry costs, and love offerings for staff and others in need.
4,511,037 KRW

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

These donations will help cover regular monthly costs of rent, utilities, food, insurance, transportation, mental-health getaways, round trip airfare, and other miscellaneous items.
2,280,802 KRW a month.

Being Undone

January 21, 2017

‘Undone’ is not a word that my being is familiar with….I have always been the one that gets things done. I’m a finisher. A do-er. I’m “done-up” so to speak…. wound up nicely, put together, in control, reliable, faithful, hard working, loyal, dependable…the one people approach for help. And usually, by God’s grace alone, I’m able to provide it. These were the very words penned about me in report cards as a child, and in yearly employment evaluations as a teacher.  These are the things I have been told as both a friend and as a family member. 

But I’m finding myself in a new season right now. In very unfamiliar territory.  More outside of my comfort zone than I’ve ever been before. I’m beginning to feel the weight of the word “undone.”  I’ve been seeing and experiencing my life as a spool of thread…it’s loosening…being unraveled…and no matter how tightly I try to pull back and tighten it securely into it’s original form…I fail…I can’t get it back to it’s original state….and that’s because it’s supposed to be loosened….loosened to cut off rough edges….loosened in order to be used in new ways….undone in order to realize that it’s ok to be the one asking for help….humbled….I haven’t been able to get this visual of myself as a spool of thread out of my mind this last week….but someone pointed out to me a few days ago that there is something so beautifully holy about being unraveled. Beautiful? It doesn’t feel very pretty. But she’s right. I’m realizing it’s only in this unraveling that I can be used by Him to be, do or make something new and beautiful….become the something different for His ways & glory….something He has planned from the very start, but that I am only beginning to now experience & see….my purpose hasn’t changed…it is still to to love Him & His people to the very best of my ability….who I am hasn’t changed….I’m still His daughter- His child with absolutely no need to fear….but the form my life is taking on right now is changing…it feels much different than I expected, because the thread is being undone. 


Ministry Praises & Prayer Requests:

-In November & December I had the privilege & honor to play such a small part in a beautiful story of life, redemption and healing in a pre-maturely born baby who entered the world weighing about 1.2 kg. This dear little boy according to our world’s standards did not have the odds in his favor to live. Many of us at AIM took turns taking care of him at the hospital- feeding him with a syringe, changing him and praying over him. And the Lord healed him and continues to grow him stronger each day, and is healing his dear young mother’s heart as well! People are teaching her how to take care of her son and are pouring into her life. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for both of their futures!

-Please pray for the many students we have who experience very difficult situations with their families ranging from neglect to abuse.  My heart just breaks for them as I listen to our social workers share about the treatment they receive.  Please pray that we can be the light and love of Christ to them and effectively share His good news & hope with them and their families.  Pray for our teachers and social workers that sow into these kids’ and families’ lives each days, that they would have opportunities to build relationships with them and share about the redemptive power of Jesus.

-Please pray that I can effectively love and lead our teachers to be the best that they can be. Pray that the Lord would give me creative and fresh ideas for how to best help them understand good teaching practices and how to be responsible. 

-We have some positions that need filling within our school.  Please pray that God would work in the heart of someone who has gifts and talents in curriculum & instruction and training up teachers to come and serve with us! Right now I am quite divided in my duties and am finding it quite difficult to manage some days, but just taking one day at a time and doing what must get done. 


Personal Praises & Prayer Requests:

-So thankful that I was able to take 5 days off over Christmas to leave and go to neighbouring Vietnam to explore and rest a little bit.  Also, it was so wonderful to have visiting friends here from Korea over the break! 

-I lost one of very best friend’s on December 16th when my dear Nanny passed away back home in Canada.  While I am ever so grateful and rejoicing that she is safely with her Jesus with no more pain; it has been so very difficult to mourn her loss while being so far removed from home and away from my family and anyone who knew her.  I would so appreciate prayer for how to mourn her loss. 

-Like my post above mentioned, please pray that I would be surrendered and open to the new things the Lord is doing in my life and the new ways He is using me. It’s hard, but also so good to be shaped & molded in order to serve Him better. 

Praying for greater breakthrough in 2017!~ 

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