Sarah Jun

Winter Trip 2015

Fundraising Completed

Yanji, China

Dear family & friends, 

In the upcoming month, I will be joining a team of 10 members to help serve at a weekend retreat for fieldworkers and their families from December 11-14. 

I have always wanted to return to China to serve the people since my last trip there in 2010, so I’m definitely looking forward to do so after all these years :)

I am currently pursuing my undergraduate studies in Korea, and to be honest, I’ve been contemplating on whether or not I should go for this trip since December is usually the busiest month of the fall semester with finals, research papers & presentations. Although the reality is that I'm already rather busy with the workload in school, there was just this strong desire to go that has ultimately led me to to take a step of faith into committing to this trip.

So it is through faith that I have committed, and it is by faith that I'm requesting for your prayer and support, as my team members and I embark on this trip.

Your prayers and support are very much appreciated! :)

PS: I cannot share more detailed information about the trip due to various reasons, but if you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me! 


Much love & blessings,


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