Iris YiRang Yim

Winter Trip 2015

Fundraising Completed

Kindness is the biggest gift for all.

Dear friends and family! 

I am excited to invite you to this new jouney of mine! 

I'm going on a trip this winter with Jubilee to support long term field workers who are serving China and its people. 

We will be helping at a conference by providing programs for adults as well as for their children.

I went to Bosnia 6 months ago and was able to help current workers there as well as their kids by spending time together and 

counseling. It was so beneficial for them to know that they are not forgotten by their friends but still cared and loved.

I am sure there are people like them in China too and we care for them deeply.

With their commitment and passion, they sacrifice greatly and I believe it's our job as friends to take care of them holistically. 

In past 6 years of my full time field work, I saw many lives changed in such creative ways, countless times.

I've learned that when we relinquish even small part of our lives and give it to one another, It creates something beautiful.

I have great expectation for this time, to heal the brokenhearted, to restore the tired, and to bring refreshment

to those who poured out their lives for others. 


I want to invite you to join me by giving! Even small amount will help me go to China in different ways! 

I want to invite you to the lifestyle of generosity! It's seriously the most fun lifestyle to have!

When you give, you will be able to participate in a tangible way. I can't do this by myself! I need you in this :-) 


Thank you for reading and God bless you!!




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