
Winter Trip 2015

Fundraising Completed

Pray for Kingdom Advancement

Hi Everyone!

This winter from December 11-14, 2015 I will be going to Yanji China to support and encourage a group of workers out there. I personally will be doing what I love, helping lead worship sessions over this weekend.

I was personally thinking that this is probably not an M trip in the typical sense, but my prayer is that I could be a blessing and encouragement to the workers that are in the field day in and day out. That they would be refreshed to continue sowing and pressing on in fighting the good fight.

I have recently been reminded of Colossians 4:2. The Apostle Paul encourages the Colossians to press on in prayer but his request is not that he would be set free from prison, but that that the Gospel would advance even though he is in prison.

Realizing again how often I fail to do this. And so this is my prayer. That somehow even in our small acts of faithfulness and obedience that the Gospel would advance.

And if I have one prayer request it's this one.

 In spite of us, let's pray that the Gospel would advance in lands that need it most.

In Him,


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