Adrianne Wang

Winter Trip 2015

Fundraising Completed


Dear friends,

Helloooo from Seoul, Korea! Whether you are here in Korea or on the other side of the world, I hope this letter finds you well. 
I am excited to tell you about my upcoming trip. From December 11-14, a group of 11 of us will be in China, serving at a retreat (leading worship and children’s program) for field workers. 
Would you please join me and the team on this trip in prayer? We cannot do this on our own! Beyond your prayers, if you are led to support us financially, that would be greatly appreciated. The total cost for our trip is about 7,100,000won ($7,000) which covers all of our expenses (flights, visas, lodging and supplies for our program). 
I cannot share too much information about the trip here due to various reasons, but if you have any questions please feel free to message me privately or ask me in person and I will be more than happy to share more about the trip! 
Thank you for reading my letter:)
With love,

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