Jasmin Chung

Winter Trip 2015

Fundraising Completed

Let's do this together!

Hello family and friends!

I am writing this letter to let you know of an amazing opportunity that I came across to serve on a winter team to China! I will be part of a team of 11 members who will be serving at a weekend retreat for field workers. 

Our team will be in charge of leading praise and a children's program. 

This will be my first adventure into China and I am excited to see firsthand the work being done in our neighboring countries.

Would you consider partnering with me in prayer and support? The trip will take place December 11-14, 2015 and all 11 members are fundraising as a team! This means that we are pulling support to cover 7,100,000won (~$7,000) which covers all teams expenses (flight, lodging, food, children's program supplies).

Due to various reasons, I cannot share TOO much info here but please message me privately and I would love to share more about the trip with you! 

Thank you for reading my letter. I am thankful for you. :)

Much love and blessings,



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