Anne Park

Beijing Leadership Challenge 2012

Fundraising Completed


Hi Friends~~


I hope this letter finds you well ~ This is only my 2nd time writing a support letter and to be totally honest I don't know how to do this in a way that's honest, earnest and at the same time interesting enough so that you can read it til the end. 

I'm going to keep it short and simple, cuz that's the kind of letters i like. :)

As many of you already know, I joined the staff at Jubilee Church last November as the Church Administrator. Half the time I have no idea what I'm doing, but thankfully God's mercy is new every single morning. In the past 7 months, I learned a lot about a lot (invite me out for coffee, I'll tell you all about what "a lot about a lot" means). Amongst the "a lot about a lot" was the importance of mission.. but not only its importance, but how it's part of our calling as followers of Christ. I learned that when you don't take part in mission, your spirit becomes sick. 

Here are some misconceptions I had about Mission: 

- dirty

- you have to go to a poor country

- hold sick babies

- dirt flooring huts

- bugs.. lots of them.. big flying bugs

- eat monkey brain or other nasty things i'm not used to

- tribal people who can't speak English.. must learn body language

- feeding gruel to homeless people or sick babies with a big belly

- sad

- I don't want to do it!! God, please don't make me do this!!

Mission clarified: 

- sometimes dirty, sometimes clean

- not just poor countries, but sometimes in rich countries too and even sometimes...... in the church

- sick babies, but more sick souls and sick spirits

- dirt flooring huts, or hotel rooms, or someone's house, or an office, or the street, or in your house even.. 

- bugs.. lots of them.. big flying bugs.. ewwwwwwwwwwww I HATE BUGS!!

- - tribal people who can't speak English.. must learn body language- as well as white, black, asians, brown, red, from the south, the north, the east and the west.. must learn to be spiritually open and attentive so that I can hear from His Spirit at all times

- feeding gruel to homeless people or sick babies with a big belly, but more importantly feeding the love of Christ through relationships and prayer

- sad.. yes.. because I know that a lot of the people i meet might not know Jesus the way I know Jesus.. but not defeated cuz I also know that "I plant, someone else might water, but ultimately God gives the growth"

- I have no other choice but to do this daily, no matter where I go, no matter who I meet.. Yes God, this is the best life ever!!! Use me God!!!

June 28th, I'm leaving with 3 other short term missionaries to the great land of C-h-i-n-a for a week-long leadership training seminar. We will be mainly building relationships with university students (who may be the future President of the greatest, and most powerful country in the world.. you just never know with God.. He does cool things like that all the time.)

So, would you join us?? YES!! we need your monetary support.. (we're hoping to raise 4,000,000W or 4,000$ all together.) and YES!! we need your prayer support.. (for unity, for an overflow of love in the relationships we'll be making.. to be salt and light, to be protected by His angels: spiritually, physically, emotionally. If you could commit to praying once a day {a 1 minute prayer} from June 28th-July 5th it would be perfect!!) and YES!! we need your moral support!! (when i whine about one of my team members being a pain, I will need you to put me back in my place and remind me why I'm doing this..)


So.. wanna join?? then shoot me an email.. a phone call.. I'll be waiting~~~


Thanks for taking the time to read my letter









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