About 2 (2017) years ago we began this journey
of planting a new church here in Seoul. God has really
done amazing things throughout our journey. God gave us a
wonderful church space at the heart of Wangsimni in a mall (yes,
in a mall). Our staff has grown both in relationship and
size (we now have 6 wonderful ppl). We’ve welcomed
many hurting, broken, precious people into our community.
We couldn’t have done this without our friends at Jubilee
Please continue to keep us in your prayers
We continue to ask our friends at Jubilee to do the following 4
things for us
1. Pray Fervently
2. Commit Fully
3. Cheer Loudly
4. Give Generously
Website: https://www.kingscrossseoul.com/
IG: kingscrossseoul
Check out videos @ https://www.kingscrossseoul.com/blog/
*if you have any questions please email admin@kingscrossseoul.com
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All USD funds will be sent via Footstool Mission Center.