Send Joy to the Far East 2014

Send Joy to the Far East 2014

$1,010 raised

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  • Jubilee Church
  • Jubilee Short Term Missions
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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Post-Trip Update!

November 5, 2014

Dear friends,

I returned safely to Seoul at the end of last week, and I'm brimming with stories to share with you!

First of all, I want to give all glory and praise to God, who is moving in powerful ways and has given me a glimpse of the work He is doing in Northeast Asia. Secondly, I want to thank you for partnering with me in prayer and financial support to make this trip possible.

During the trip, I could feel His grace and protection over our team so that we could truly be a blessing to the community there. At the retreat, we led the times of worship and children's program, where we witnessed an outpouring of the Holy Spirit over both adults and children. It was a beautiful picture of abiding in His presence, united in worship and prayer the way God desires for His people.

We were able to meet fieldworkers from all around the world and hear about the ways they are advancing His kingdom through business, education, and community-building. I was amazed by their love for the Lord and challenged by their faithful obedience in the everyday grind of living in the field. This was best summed up by the messages the children gave their parents at the end of retreat: "Thanks, Mom and Dad, for leaving your home and coming here to serve God, and for teaching us how to serve God more. We love you."

Through this trip, I got a firsthand taste of the joys and hardships of living in this critical region, and I feel a fire in my heart to not only find more ways our communities can support and care for the workers in the field there, but also join them one day-- when the kairos moment comes.

There are still so many things I want to tell you about what I saw, experienced, and learned. If you see me around Jubilee, feel free to ask me, "What did God show you on this trip?"

Many Blessings,

Joy Choi

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