Cynthia Yoo

Indonesia 2013

Fundraising Completed

He Who Resides in Sendayan

Dear Family & Friends,

It is with God’s amazing grace that I have been given another opportunity to go back to Medan, Indonesia for summer missions. However, this year, the trip will be slightly different. Rather than traveling to a different village each day, our team is returning to the village where we were most impacted. Sendayan, a rural village located in Northern Sumatra, was where our team was spiritually, physically, and emotionally rocked to the core. There is simply no other way to describe how we experienced and witnessed firsthand the presence of our God, the Father.

Without a doubt, God has played a central role in the changes, the relationships, the opportunities, the insights, and the subsequent healing I have experienced in my life, especially within the past year. As a result, I’m trying to remain faithful and obedient to see how God is (and always has been) working in a completely different part of the world that I have come to love. Praise God that He has brought me to this place, once again!

This summer, August 18 – August 25, our team of 15 members will be traveling to Sendayan. In collaboration with Food for the Hungry, we are planning to help build a community center, reach out to the children through various musical/arts/crafts activities, teach moms how to make soap/implement effective sanitation procedures, and train up the church leaders within the community. All of these activities will complement our core actions of love, worship, devotion, and prayer.

As many of you already know, it is not within my comfort zone to live without modern conveniences for more than a few hours. Last year, our team was fortunate enough to return to a hotel room with AC, hot running water, and western-style toilets after a long day in the village. However, this year, the majority of our stay will be in the village where such modern conveniences are far from accessible. Despite this reality, it’s strangely comforting for me to be feeling such excitement and anticipation. I’m excited and honored to be taking part in our second mission trip to Indonesia. I’m eagerly anticipating the miracles that will be witnessed and bound in Jesus name!

This trip provides an opportunity to meet the physical and spiritual needs of a community that is desperately in need. More than anything, what we need most is your prayers. We need your prayers to cover our team and those whose lives will be touched by God through us. I believe that God answers prayers. And with that being said, I humbly ask you to pray for team unity, steadfast faith, physical strength and safety, courage to fight evil, spiritual discernment, smooth travel, and financial support.

In addition to your prayers, if you feel led to join this cause by financially supporting this mission, I would be very grateful. Our group needs to raise 25,000,000W (US $22,000) to cover the total cost of the trip. Individually, we need to raise 1,700,000W (US $1,500). We will have to be creative to raise the funds required for this mission trip, and I want to extend an invitation to you to participate. To make it as easy as possible, please visit Our project page is titled “Indonesia 2013” and all the necessary information is on the website.

I’m humbled and honored that God has called me for a second time to be a part of this journey. I would appreciate any level of support you are able to offer.Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. If you have any questions, please let me know. I hope to hear from you soon.

With love,


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