Jino Chung

Heartland 2014

Fundraising Completed

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. - 3 John 1:4 -



            It is my joy to share with you that I will be participating in Heartland again with my Jubilee brothers and sisters this summer. For those of you that may not know, Heartland is an outreach project in Namyangju, Korea for the underprivileged youth. Our team will be serving about 130 kids in a VBS(Vacation Bible School) style program that shares the Gospel through activities, arts, and most importantly love. I simply hope to share with the children what I have so graciously received from the Lord myself. I pray that your heart would be moved to pray and support me financially as our team embarks on this journey. Thank you for taking your time to read this :)


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