Paul Yi

Heartland 2010

Fundraising Completed




What’s going on everyone?! I hope all is good in whatever hood you’re in! It’s been a while since I’ve seen or spoken to yall back in the states, and the people in Seoul…can a brother get some breathing room?! Anyways, all joking aside, there have been a lot of changes in my life and I just wanted to share them with yall.


As you all know, I’ve been teaching in Korea for 20 months now (dang…that’s a long time) and it’s been a rocky road up till now. I recently started going to Jubilee Church this past November (is that still considered recently?) and God has been GOOD. I got into the welcoming ministry at Jubilee Church and it’s been fun serving. Jubilee Church also offered 3 different, summer short term missions trips. It sparked my interest and now I have an opportunity to GO.  It’s been YEARS since my last mission trip (9th grade) but God always had placed missions on my heart ever since and I really feel God moving in my life.


From August 9th – 13th, 13 members from Jubilee Church will be going to the country side of Korea. Most of Korea’s countryside lack young adults (people in their 20’s – 30’s) because there aren’t a lot of opportunities for them. This leaves just the children and the older adults. Most of these children come from broken homes and live right above the governmental assistance funding line. We’re teaming up with some local children centers/churches and running an English Camp for roughly 300 children. As everyone knows, the English language is very important to Koreans. A lot of native Koreans say that for a brighter future, you need to learn English. But unfortunately, learning English is very expensive. Our goal is to provide the children with an English environment while sharing the gospel of Christ through many different activities.


Starting this English Camp for the students gives us a huge opportunity to fill the children’s educational and spiritual needs. I really would like to ask everyone for your prayers. Without prayer, we could never communicate with God. And since God is always listening to our prayers and is ALWAYS willing to provide for His kingdom sake, I would like to present a few prayer requests. Please pray for the children’s heart that their little hearts will be opened to Jesus. Pray for the team’s spiritual unity and the leaders of the Heartland trip. Pray for spiritual and physical protection of the team. The prayers you lift up will not fall on deaf ears, so pray pray pray!!


I know this letter is getting long (I wish I could have written my old college papers this easily), but I do have one more tiny request. If the spirit is leading as you pray for this trip, I would also ask you to financially support this trip. If you are led to support our trip financially, technology has made it VERY easy for you. There are links on this website to donate and I appreciate everything you guys will do!


Finally, I really do hope all is well in all your lives. Update me on what’s been going on in your lives and know that I will be praying for you all. Thanks for taking time to read this and if you have any questions or if you just want to chat, hit a brother up! Keep it real, and I hope to hear from yall real soon!

Yo brother from another mother but with the same heavenly father,



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