Hannah Lee

Heartland 2010

Fundraising Completed

My Summer Missions Trip!

Hello everyone!


        I hope everything is going well with you all!  I can't believe it's been almost year and a half since i've bravely decided to come to Korea to teach.  I don't know how the time passed by so fast, but I know I survived it by the Grace of God.  He has always been my rock and that was no exception here in Korea.  I have an exciting news.  I have decided to go to a summer mission trip with Jubilee Church!  This letter is to inform you of what i'll be doing, and how you can be part of this exciting mission trip. 

        The weather here in Korea is very humid with frequent rainining since it's monsoon season.  I'm hoping it'll pass by soon, and hopefully it will.  Korea had a very exciting June, with all the world cup madness and I was part of it too.  It was definitely an experience I will never forget.  Teaching has been going well, but I'm starting to realize how hard teaching really is.  But at the same time, I'm beginning to come up with more strategies and methods to improve my teaching.   There's never a dull moment here in the middle school I teach in Seoul, and life here has been fast-paced one.  But, i'm so glad that even in the midst of all the busyness, I have decided to go on a summer mission trip.  I truly believe that God will bless this mission trip and show me how He is working in different parts of Korea.

       Next month, August 9th - 13th, about 15 people from Jubilee Church will be going on a short summer mission trip to gyung-gi-do providence to help out with vbs for 300 children, grades from 1st to 7th.  These children are from the poor countryside area, and come from broken homes.  They don't receive government support, but their income is only a little above the line of receiving support.  The children, since they live in such poor conditions, might not have the hope, but that's where we need your prayers.  I think some of them might have heard the gospel already, but what I was informed was, that some of them might not have heard the gospel at all.  I think it is so critical that we give them the hope of gospel which would be the best gift to give. 

       So, as I have said before, I really need your prayers.  Please lift our mission, Heartland, whenever you are praying and it would mean so much to me because  I believe that God answers prayers and all your prayers will be heard.  Even if you say a short prayer, or just leave me an encouraging word, it will mean so much to me. 

Some of the prayer requests we have :

Opening and softening hearts for the children

Team vision and a strong Christian theme

Unity In Ministry

Within Leadership team
Within Team members
With the 300 Children

Team members

For our well being spiritually, physically, and relationally

Supporters Raised Up

financial sponsors

                    I would truly appreciate every single one of your prayers.  And beyond your prayers, if you are led to join me by financially supporting my mission, I would be so grateful.  We have to raise about 6,000 dollars to cover the total cost of the trip.  We are trying hard to raise them, but I want to extend an invitation to you to participate.   if you feel led to contribute financially then you can do so through this website www.jubilink.com under Heartland 2010.  God has called me to go on this mission, and I would greatly appreciate any level of support you are able to offer. 

                   Lastly, but not least, I really want to thank all of you for taking your time to read this letter.  I really thank you for devoting your time in prayer for our team and mission and your decision to become a huge part of God's work all the way here in Korea.  I truly appreciate all of you and how God is working in your lives.  So if you need prayers,  or if you just want to share what has been going on in your lives, please don't hesitate to let me know!  I will definitely be praying for you!  God bless you all, and I hope to hear from you soon!!


In Christ with love,


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