Karlan Kim

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland Summer 2012

Happy Summer 2012!  May God be glorified through all our summer plans, whether they involve work or rest. :)  I'm writing this letter to share some plans I have for this summer - a missional summer for me.  This is the first time since I've been at Jubilee Church, my home church for the last 4 years, that I've joined one of their mission trips. I've wanted to go before, but finally, this year I can sense God's hand in having me free up my schedule and go!

How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
    who bring good tidings,
    who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
    “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7

My church is sending out teams overseas to Cambodia, China and Indonesia, but I'm going to be serving domestically in South Korea with Jubilee's Heartland Team.  This missions trip will be from August 6th to 10th and will involve holding VBS (Vacation Bible School) for 200 elementary school students from the rural community of Namyangju.  I believe God will bless this time to be a great opportunity for both the children and our team to have eyes opened to seeing more of who God is and how He loves us. 
I'm excited to go!  I recently came back from a short stay in Japan, and while attending some churches there and seeing my father come to know Christ, I got hungry to see lives changed by the Gospel and to put my own life to good use proclaiming it.  God is good, and I'm expecting great things for Heartland!
In the meantime, I want to ask for as much prayer as I can get.  God hears prayers and works powerfully through them.  I'll list some prayer requests below to give you an idea of what you can strategically pray for.  If you'd like to support me financially, that's also possible through http://www.jubilink.com/heartland-summer-2012. We're looking to have 500,000 won per person, with the individual going out (me, for example) personally contributing half that (250,000 won).
Prayer Topics
God & the Children
Jesus loves children, so I'm confident He'll hear all your prayers for their salvation.  Also, please pray that the children will be protected, will have fertile hearts and will encounter Jesus deeply and personally, receiving faith, hope and love from Him.
God & Me
To be of any good to the Kingdom of Heaven, I have to spend time with the King of Heaven (and be in line with Him).  Please pray that I would be able to listen to and obey the Lord Jesus well (before, during and after the trip), putting down my agendas and being filled with and led by the Holy Spirit.
God, the Children & Me
Although I used to teach English to students of this age, it's been a couple years, and I've been mostly hanging out with adults ever since.  Please pray that I will really love the children and connect with them with joy and peace of the Holy Spirit.
God & the Heartland Team (including me)
Please pray for unity and love for one another, as well as for the kids.  I pray the team from Jubilee and our partners will be united by God's Holy Spirit and the bond we each have in Jesus Christ.  May we love one another. In John 13, Jesus spoke, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  Also, please life up a prayer covering logistics and preparation.
Thank you so much!
Feel free to email me (karlan.kim@gmail.com) any time if you have questions or would just like to connect.  May God bless you and keep you - the one He so fearfully and wonderfully made.  Amen!
With Love,

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