Alice Nam

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland 2012


Howdy y’all!!! It’s me, Alice! Many of you may know me, some of you may love me, but I know ALL of you have heard me!! :] By the GRACE of God, I ended up at Jubilee a little over two years ago and I love what’s going on here, people!!! It’s been my honor to stand shoulder to shoulder with such amazing men and women of God and witness all the glorious things He is doing through y’all~~ I love how Jubilee is a hub for missions, not just internationally but every single day here in Korea!

I live in the rural outskirts of Seoul and I teach at an elementary school. In this poverty stricken neighborhood, I have had the opportunity to meet the future David’s, Abraham’s, Moses, Noah’s, Ruth’s, Mary’s, and Paul’s of our generation. Many of them come from broken families, orphan spirits, and despair. I don’t know how or why God keeps surrounding me with the hopeless, the one’s without dreams, orphans, and the broken but there is a cavity in my heart that burns furiously for them. Because they are His people, they are mine. FOREVER OURS!!!

I have an opportunity to be a part of the Heartland team this summer during the second week of August, 08/06/2012-08/10/2012 and I’m STOKED!!!!!! We will be having a Vacation Bible School filled with sports, activities, arts and crafts, snacks, worship, and praise!! I can’t wait to witness Heaven’s doors open up and usher in the future KINGS and QUEENS of the nations!!!!! I know God is going to do something mighty here!! To be honest, I don’t know how this is going to fall into place because I don’t have off the week our team will be serving.  Partner with me in prayer, (1) grace for my employers to let switch my vacation days or take off completely. (2) Cover me in protection, as the enemy will be trying to take away this joy, dreams, and love I’m about to impart on the little ones. (3) For my focus to be fully on HIM throughout this whole journey. PRAISE THE LORD that my #4 is already fulfilled, thanks to YOU!!!!! (Hehehe!!! You like that angle?) (4) Financial provisions as I need to raise 500,000w. I know it’s one of the more “affordable” trips, but I want to challenge you guys to support and cover my finances in OVERFLOW that I may be able to pour it ALL back onto the children and EK Church. No amount is too little and so cherished and honored, so please click away!!! For all my homies back Stateside, it’s been a long time since you’ve taken me out for some snackie chan’s, aye? You guys know how I EAT!!!! You can pretend to buy me a meal and in its stead, donate that amount to support me!!!! *yay~~

Partner with me in prayer and financial giving as I go out to plant seeds of joy, love, peace, laughter, dreams, identity, hope, freedom and life into that one little lost black sheep. One by one, day by day until they receive the blood of Jesus that cleans them all white as snow.

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