Frances Pak

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

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Hello everyone! 

I'm Frances Pak and this summer I have the opportunity to serve the children in Namyangju. 

I'm originally from Michigan, but starting last fall, God told our family to leave the States and start travelling around the world, so that's what we did. I've left my school, church, and relatives and am travelling around the world with my family~ 

This will be my third time going to Heartland for missions. God put the children of Namyangju into my heart since the first time I went. They were probably the sweetest kids I've ever met. I knew that I'd would be coming back every year after that. So here I am going again! ^^

At Heartland, we serve the kids in the countryside of Namyangju. We play games, have snacks, make crafts, and just worship the Lord together. There'll be around 200 wonderful kids this year^^

Going to Heartland this summer is going to need lots of prayer that I can't do all by myself. Please join with me in prayer!       Pray that...

  1. the children in Namyangju will have their hearts open to recieve His love
  2. everyone on the team will be able to show lots of love and have lots of energy to play with the kids
  3. the team will also have lots of patience with the kids and that we won't get angry/upset with them
  4. we will all have unity so that we can work together well and love each other <3


Join us in this trip through prayer and thank you for reading~ This wouldn't be possible without your support!

  1. Love,
  2. Frances Pak

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