Lauren Lim

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland Mission



First of all I would like to open up this letter by proclaiming how great our Lord’s grace truly is for us. I’m very humbled by the grace of God that has led me to write this particular letter to you all. 

My name is Lauren (Eunsun) Lim and I’m one of members for this 2012 summer heartland mission trip team. This is for us to go out in rural area in Namyang, Korea to serve kids through summer school / summer camp. These kids normally cannot afford and have no chance to be exposed to such program and through the past 3 years of Jubilee serving these kids, kids there have been loving it so much. Growing up in such harsh enviroment, these kids have been going through much difficulties, in terms of finances, education, family relationships and especially about knowing what the true love is. So this letter is to invite you to be a part of this mission trip either as a prayer supporter or financial supporter. This fund will directly effect the experience of the children will have through the program, in terms of food, program materials and more. Our goal is support about 500,000won per each team member, and we will individuall commit 250,000won. However, before I delve into anything, I would like to share something about me  : ) 

For the past three something years at Jubilee, God has done many tremendous works within me, and Jubilee has been a crucial channel for His work.  Through Jubillee, God allowed me to be opened up for things that I’ve always shunned. He’s been leading me to serve and learn at different parts of the body of Christ, including as a BSF leader, and it’s been truly thanksgiving and amazing. And these all began with Him gently offering me and me by merely accepting His divine invitations. And throughout, He has allowed me to experience His love so palpably, witnessing not only myself but also others transforming by simply loving Him and undertaking Jesus’s celestial offers.

This summer, I’m probably in my most precarious moment of my life in terms of my career or vision, physical strength and even my finance condition. However, God has, again, sought me out first to offer me to take part in this trip to trust Him again and experience His work again within and through the children at Heartland He had already handpicked so long ago. 

About the fundraising for mission trips, I have learned that it really isn’t about filling the money to the goal nor about our humanly efforts, although it is part of our responsibility. Rather, I have come to realize that it is the very beginning and fundamental process of God teaching me/us to trust Him fully before we are set out to the mission fields. It is for me to be trained and to learn to fully trust God only. In that sense, I see that such fundamental process God is doing works both ways. Because kindling your or my own heart to commit or share finances for God’s work at heartland involves both of my sincere and earnest prayers with faith, holiness and righteousness that seeks His glory, and also your awaken heart and soul that’s fixated on God and deliver obedient action. So whether God invits you to His divine work at Heartland through your earnest prayers, service or finances, I truly pray that God will open up your hearts to His voice and give you the obedient heart, so you can all experience His faithfulness and love through that. 

So through this letter, I pray that both of our hearts ( yours and mine) be more strongly fixated on God and His voice and for His work that’s already been done at Heartland. : )  

I sincerely pray that may your days be filled with joy and thanksgiving to God and be soaked in God’s love and be filled with spreading the love to others.

Bless you brothers and sisters : ) 

In Christ,  

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