Sharon Kwon

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland 2012~!

Dear Family&Friends,

Hello!  I can't believe another year has gone and it is already
time for
summer Heartland VBS. This coming August 6~11th, sixteen Jubilee
Church members are heading to Namyangjoo, Korea to serve and
bless the local children of the area. Namyangjoo is a small city
located in the Kyunggi province about an hour away from Seoul.
Two-hundred children from the rural areas of Namyangjoo will gather
from various different churches to attend the VBS. 
Please join with me in praryer that the children will have big
and goals for God's kingdom and His glory~!
Here are some more prayer topics...
1. Heartland Children's hearts to be prepared, every single child
have a great time, feel loved and be touched by God~! and of course
no injuries~!!!
2. Local leaders and pastors for them to be encouraged and
strengthened during the time and everysingle one of them will be
fired by the holy spirit.
3. Great weather~!
4. Unity, great communication between EVERYONE~!
5. Protection from the enemy
6. Jubilee members will be ready and availble, in tune with the
holy spirit so we may be clean vessel of God. 
The theme of this year's VBS is "Everything is possible with God"
(based from Mark
Our group needs to raise 8,000,000won (about $7000) to cover the
total cost of all the supplies that are needed for the children and
the cost of the trip. We will have to be creative to raise the
money, and I want to extend an invitation to you to participate.
More than anything, I would value your prayers for our team and
those whose lives will be touched by God through us.



p.s. Here's a short video of this winter's outreach~!

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