Drew Shih

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Why you should support me financially and prayerfully

Hi friend-

Please support me this year for our Heartland missions trip both in prayer and financially.  I need to raise $500 u.s. or 500,000 won for a team of us serving youth and children in Namyangjoo, South Korea.  We will be providing a program for over 200 kids all needing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We will also be ministering to the youth in this rural city, hoping to build them up in Christ to serve the next generation. The dates of the mission trip will be August 6-11th. 

My role will be leading the team and making sure we are all prepared spiritually to pour out the love of Jesus Christ on to these kids for the week.  

Please pray for:

1.  All preparation for our team to be completed well before the week of.

2.  Team unity, synergy, and collaboration. 

3.  God to protect us from spiritual attack, discouragement, and resistance from the enemy the weeks and days before the camp and while we are there.

4.  God would grant me wisdom, and discernment for how to shepherd the team.

5.  Sharon Kwon and Bommie Han, my co-leaders for the team that will be directing and coordinating the program for the kids. 

Thank you for investing in God's kingdom. 

Drew Shih

Executive Pastor - Jubilee Church






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