Hannah Kim

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland Bound

Hello Friends and Family,

How are things back home?  I hope God is doing great things in your life and showing you a new thing every day!  I just wanted to touch base with you all and tell you that I’m doing well, although God has definitely been challenging me in many ways.  I’m writing this letter to let you know that my near future includes a short-term mission trip with Jubilee Church to Heartland, a rural part of South Korea.

With work and busyness looming over my head, I’m getting a better idea of what author Bill Hybels meant when he entitled one of his books, Too Busy Not to Pray.  As a city girl doing life in a small town, things have been pretty good so far even though my students keep me on my toes, especially the ones in elementary school.  It’s hard not getting attached to them; they’re like Energizer Bunnies that never stop going and going and going... They’re actually part of the reason why I’m excited about my upcoming trip to Heartland.  I’m convinced that the children I’ll be ministering to are God’s future Kingdom people and I have a good feeling that something great is going to happen this year.  It’s humbling to know that God has handpicked me to be a part of this exciting team that hopes to make this a time to remember!

It looks like the core group at Jubilee Church this year is filled with a lot of great people, but I really can’t say much about them because in all honesty, I’ve just met most of them!  Pastor Drew Shih will be leading Heartland missions this year, and we’ll be ministering to children in a month and a half from now, on August 6th-10th.  The Heartland team is planning to serve these children in a VBS style program with a lot of activities and love! 

This trip provides an awesome opportunity to listen to and meet the needs of the children at Heartland.  I would appreciate your prayers for our team; I’m hoping to see God impact the hearts and lives of all that come.   Please pray that we will go to Heartland with a servant’s attitude and be prepared to make ourselves available to anyone or anything at all times.

Beyond your prayers, if you are led to financially support this mission trip, you can go to www.jubilink.com and it’s pretty self-explanatory from there.  I’m excited to see things happen with a lot of little or big God moments, and I’d be thankful for any level of support you are able to offer.

I miss both my families back at home (Westside and the “Parkims”), and I often think about many if not all of you.  I will definitely keep you in my prayers!  I want to thank you all for taking the time to read this letter.  If you have any questions, you can send me an email at hannahikim@gmail.com.  I hope you are all doing well, and I hope to hear from you soon!




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