Eugene Rhee

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Going to Heartland : some of the people and kids you'll be helping us to serve


Long story short: I'm alive again after 4 years of numbness and wanderlust. Instead of finding ways to escape from Korea, I finally want to stay here and am finding my place in this country after a long 7 years. So many great things happened during that time and I have met my closest friends and only gotten closer to the ones from back home.

Momentum doesn't mean jack unless it's realized and so I am looking forward to realizing it by being part of the Heartland team within Jubilee Church.

Much appreciated it would be if you tag teamed with me either in encouragement, prayer, your finances or all three and whatever else you wanna hit me with! 

August 6-10

-16 Jubilee Church members

-Namyangjoo, Korea

-VBS program (I'll be doing video stuff and helpin out anyway I can)

-200 children from the rural areas of Namyangjoo

-theme: "Everything is possible with God"

-cost per person: 500,000W or roughly $436.24 according to on July 2, 2012


1. Heartland Children's hearts to be prepared, all the children will have a great time and feel loved~! no injuries

2. Leaders: Pastor Drew Shih, Bommie Han, and Sharon Kwon, for strength and wisdom and courage

3. Great weather!

4. Protection from the enemy

May the rest of this year be a freakin awesome one for all of us.

Ironically, there will be some rough spots to deal with to really know what it means to trust in God, but hey, there's no other way I'd have it so here we go yo!


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