Jenoch Choi

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

(Jeanyong) Jenoch Choi's VBS Outreach Support Letter

Hi! This is Jenoch Choi, Joon and Jane Choi's son and I hope everything's been good. I thought it had been a while and just wanted to catch-up and let you know what's going on.

My family and me came to Korea as the Lord guided us. While in Seoul we were able to celebrate my cousin's marriage and spend time with my grandma. Eunjean is independently homeschooling and continuing flute and piano while mom and dad make new, and connect with old, friends. I've been preparing for my sophmore year of highschool by studying at a korean summer school. The atmosphere is really different but the modern culture has many similarities to America, especially the Christian sphere of society.

I have been attending the Jubliee Church and have become involved with a summer Heartland VBS outreach. VBS is a christian program used all over America that revives and teaches about the Savior Jesus Christ to kids through games, crafts, interactive stories, short films and songs. This coming August 6~11th, Jubilee Church members and me are heading to Namyangjoo, Korea to serve and bless the less privleged, local children of the area. Namyangjoo is a subburb located in the Kyunggi province about an hour away from Seoul.  About two-hundred children from the rural areas of Namyangjoo will gather from various different churches to attend the VBS.

Please support us in prayer, here are some topics...
1. all of the Heartland experiencing kids hearts would be prepared, have a great time, feel loved and be touched by God~! and of course suffer no injuries
2. Local leaders and pastors to be encouraged and strengthened during our stay and ultimately that every single one of them will be
fired by the holy spirit.
3. Great weather for fun activities
4. Unity, great communication between everyone
5. Protection from the Satan and his instruments
6. Jubilee members will be ready and available, in tune with the Holy Spirit so we may be clean vessel of God.

The theme of this year's VBS is "Everything is possible with God"
(based from Mark

This project will also need funding and I ask for your support in helping our staff group to raise 8,000,000won (about $7000) to cover the total cost of all the supplies that are needed for the children and the cost of the trip. Even the smallest amount of money will be greatly apprecciated by the kids it inspires.

Hope that the Lord is shinging his face upon you and the Holy Spirit is blessing you for your faith and love. Thank you so much for your time and I really hope to hook up sometime and update on what's going on. I'll definitely be praying for you and any needs you request. Have a nice day!


Jeanyong Jenoch Choi

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