Andrew Kim

Heartland Summer 2012

Fundraising Completed

Heartland Summer 2012

Hey everyone, how's it going? Hope y'all are enjoying the summer and getting a chance to take a break/vacation/relax during this time~

I just wanted to share a little bit of how God has been working in my life these past few months. I decided to make some big changes in my life but found myself in a situation where I really had to check my pride, ask for help and depend on others. Broken and humbled, I decided to seek, pray and trust in God and He just showered me with His supernatural love and blessings in ways I could have never imagined: He provided me with a place to live, an amazing job, a great community of close friends, and the opportunity to serve Him through music. 

I'm also blessed with the opportunity to take part in the Heartland Missions Trip this summer. We have an amazing team of brothers and sisters ready to go and serve over 200 underpriveleged children in a rural area of Korea. Through a fun VBS (Vacation Bible School) program, we will be sharing the Gospel through activities, music, art, sports, and most importantly through relationships and love. 

I'm so excited for this mission trip and the amazing things that God has in store for these children. If you feel led to help support the mission trip, you can do so through the link on this page. I also ask that you consider partnering with me in prayer for this mission trip.

Please pray for: 

1) Our team  -  that we empty ourselves, have a true servant's heart ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we can shower the kids with God's amazing and powerful love and that He will use our team to display His awesome glory, power, and love. 

2) The kids - prepare their hearts to receive His love and know that they are so special and loved by a Father that will never leave them, that will always love them no matter what happens and that this powerful truth will set them free! Also, that these kids can rise up to be warriors for God's kingdom and really lead this next generation to be the salt and light of the world.


Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I hope you will consider supporting this mission trip, either through prayer, financially or even both! Please let me know how y'all are doing and fill me in with all the amazing things going on in your lives. Thanks for all your prayers and support! =)






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