Downtown Youth Outreach 2010-2012

Downtown Youth Outreach 2010-2012

$1,938 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Japan
  • CBI Japan
  • Partner Organizations
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

Equip the cafe - A

Equip the cafe - A

Can't have a cafe without coffee! Help towards purchase of one or two professional coffee makers.

Equip the cafe - B

Equip the cafe - B

Help set up the cafe space - furniture, computers, multi-media, and decorations.

Support a Cafe outreach Japanese staff!

Support a Cafe outreach Japanese staff!

Help support a Japanese seminary student to do outreach through the cafe!

Youth Subway Fund

Youth Subway Fund

We hope to have a general fund to help pay a small supplement for youth to take the subway to get to the cafe so that money worries won't prevent them from coming to the cafe.

Help with the general fund!

Help with the general fund!

So many other expenses needed to run this ministry including utilities, rent, supplies, promotion, etc. Contribute towards these general funds.

Pray for Heart and Soul Cafe

Pray for Heart and Soul Cafe

Please pray for CBI Japan and Heart and Soul Cafe.

Help equip the cafe kitchen

Help equip the cafe kitchen

We've designed a kitchen with the special needs of our espresso machine and drains, etc. We also need to set up a nice countertop for the front of the cafe. The total cost needed is about $10,000.

About This Project

Heart and Soul Cafe: Downtown Youth Outreach 

With thousands of youth suicides annually (one Japanese commits suicide every 15 minutes), shockingly high teen prostitution rates (9% of high school girls and 4% of junior high school girls report having participated), ubiquitous child pornography (possession of which is legal in Japan), and seemingly inescapable bullying in schools (70% report bullying or having been bullied), young people in Japan desperately need Jesus Christ!

Heart & Soul Cafe is an outreach in downtown Nagoya with the goal of providing a "safe space" for Japanese high school and college students.  Young people come and drink coffee, make friends, perform at Open Mic nights, learn English at Eikaiwa (English Conversation School) classes or at English Cafe Night, and learn about Jesus.  It also serves as a hub where young Christians around Nagoya can come to meet with each other and also introduce non-Christian friends to young Christians.

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Project Owner

CBI Japan

CBI Japan was founded in 2004 by Dr. Michael Oh and includes a graduate level theological seminary (Christ Bible Seminary), a church planting ministry (All Nations Fellowship), and various evangelistic outreaches including a quarterly downtown event called Heart & Soul.

CBI Japan exists to:
Engage Japanese society with the gospel
Expand the Kingdom of God through church planting
Equip Japanese leaders to reach Japan

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