Five Two Foundation

Five Two Foundation

$14,010 remaining
$24,198 raised
63% of $38,208 goal
  • South Korea
  • Five Two Foundation
  • Partner Organizations
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

The Five Two Foundation is a nonprofit organization that exists to empower Christian communities with tools for mobilization.  For the past several years, I have had the opportunity to meet with missionaries serving in different parts of the world.  Our conversations inevitably led to two simple questions, “What is your biggest obstacle?” and “How can we help?”  Both questions often solicited a common response: resources.  Missionaries need money to fund their projects and they need people to execute them.  I’m amazed at the life-changing work of missionaries who daily take up their cross and give up their lives for the poor.  Yet I also wondered, if they are serving the poor, who is serving them?  It is with this heart of service that Five Two was created

The Opportunity
In the United States, it is estimated that only 7% of all donations are made online.  Although that seems small, it represents $20 billion raised in 2009.  Moreover, four out of five people in the US participate socially online.  Technology, specifically the internet, is enabling social networks to be bridged.  The web has evolved and matured into a social tool that is engaging its users to participate in networks and connect to share values, ideas, and resources.  We are witnessing a generational shift in how people give and connect with causes.  Donors now demand engagement and expect results-oriented impact.

Although the technology exists, churches have often been slow to adopt this transformative tool due to a lack of both know-how and the resources to implement it.  Software is often viewed as an overheard expense that comes at the cost of field programs and services.  We plan to invest in this opportunity to serve churches with technology to mobilize for missions.  We will offer a service that any church can use to share information and collect funding for missions, lowering transaction costs and increasing reach and transparency.

The Benefits
The benefits are twofold – missionaries generate greater contributions through additional sources of funding and the burden and friction of fundraising is lowered.  We call it a platform because it’s a service that can be replicated and scaled easily from one church to another.

Why Give?
We realize that you have other opportunities to support reputable organizations and causes.  Your contribution to Five Two Foundation will not only support one church, but many churches.  Our strategy is to offer services that will be leveraged by many different missionaries and sending agencies.  In this way, your gift will not only be used for one cause, but will be multiplied many times over.  Consider your donation a long-term investment that will serve those who serve others.

For all funds sent to this account, only US Credit Card holders and Paypal users will be able to receive US Tax Documents. All other funds are qualified for Korean Tax Documents only. Funds sent in South Korean Won cannot be applied to US Tax Documents.

All USD funds will be sent via Footstool Mission Center.  

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Project Owner

Five Two Foundation

The Five Two Foundation is a nonprofit organization that exists to multiply God's resources for the common good. We offer a simple and secure online fundraising platform for ministries. We are motivated by the love of Christ to serve those who serve others.

  • Website
  • Address

    14 Toegye-ro 18-gil, Namsandong 1(il)-ga Jung-gu,
    Seoul 04631
    South Korea

  • Phone +82.2.569.2293
  • Fax +82.2.569.2225

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