Jasmin Chung

English Unification Camp 2014

Fundraising Completed


Hello family and friends! 

As many of you know, I have been living in Korea for the past 10 months serving at Jubilee Church. It has been an incredible ride this past year with many ups and downs - but God never ceases to amaze me with his provision and grace. 

This summer will be my first missions experience in Korea! I have joined a team of brothers & sisters to help run EUC alongside Heavenly Dream School and several other churches. The focus for this trip is to run a week long summer camp aimed at bringing reconciliation between God and man, and NK and SK. Attendees will be a mix of NK refugees and SK students.

I am very excited to experience a new side of Korea and really allow God to show me His heart for unification through the NK & SK generation. 

Would you be able to support me financially and in prayer as I take this journey? If so, click support! :) 

Thank you in advance, friends & family. I know I could not be where I am without you all.

Abundant blessings to you! 

With love,


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