Judy Ha

ERC 2011

Fundraising Completed

ERC 2011

God is Good, All the Time!

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ! I am excited to share with you all about the opportunity God has graciously given me this coming summer. I will be going on a mission trip called English Revival Camp (ERC) with my home church in Korea, Jubilee. It will be a week-long trip from July 25th - July 29th. The purpose of this camp is to disciple and to bridge any existing gap between the youths from South and North Korea (NK refugees). The participants of this camp will learn how to be “Search[ed], Test[ed], and Lead” by God and bring back what they learn to their personal lives to live out the Gospel. This camp will be a great opportunity for these youths to grow up to be God’s channel of love and grace towards others. 

As for me, this will be my first time doing any mission work in Korea, which is my native country. I have gone to missions in countries like China, Indonesia, and Mexico but have never come across any opportunity to serve God in my own homeland. God has been teaching me a lot since I have been in Korea. During my stay here, I've had many chances to understand the people, culture and also myself. I've had a lot of time to reflect and rethink about my convictions to live out the gospel. When I heard of the opportunity to serve Him through ERC, I immediately signed up. I am eager to see what God will reveal to the students and the ERC team through this mission trip. Please take this journey with us through your prayers.

I have a few prayer requests:

1. Please pray for the students’ hearts to be open and sensitive to God.

2. Please pray for the physical and spiritual health of our team along with a few other teams that will go on this trip together.

3. Please pray that God will seize this opportunity to captivate the hearts of these youths.

4. Please pray for me that I would be humble and be intimate with God.

Thank you for your support in advance. I am already excited to share with you of all the work that God will do through this trip. If you would like to hear more details about the trip, please do not hesitate to email me. I also need to raise 400,000 Won ($400) to make this trip possible. If you are able to support me financially, please donate through jubilink.com. Thank you!

In His Grace,

Judy Ha



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