Kristi Kim

ERC 2011

Fundraising Completed

Working with NK students at the ERC! Pray for a sister :)


How have you been? It's hard to keep in touch even with all our technological resources- e-mail, facebook, snail mail (which I rarely receive...would like one. haha). Hope you're all well and that wherever you are in life, you're finding it meaningful and special.

Just wanted to share briefly what God's been showing me. We always have so much to learn- it's really a matter of whether we're teachable or not, right? After graduating in March, I came home to rest a little before starting grad school in the fall. The first couple months since coming back was pretty rough, actually. Ran into a lot of issues with family...tension, but, only because we were dealing with issues that were deeply rooted in our family. When looking back now, from here, I can finally see how deeply and thoroughly God cares for our lives. He does not leave things unsettled or incomplete. Our God is not a mediocre God. When he works, it's radical and complete. He's detailed! Through those times I learned not to blame God but to turn to him and see how to trust him, and, live in the knowledge of his love for us.

I thank God because the past month and a half, I've been able to be active in really putting my dreams and visions closer to reality and action. You may or may not know, but, I got into dental school! This is not to boast in any way, but, to show how faithful God is. It's completely by his grace that I was able to get in, and, continue to pray over this vision I have of dental missions. This summer, I've also been able to work with a foreign worker community here in Korea, which also plays a part in the dream I have. God is good...we can dream and should dream in him!

I'm so thankful God's given me the honor and privilege of going on missions almost every year since 2007. He shows me how big he is, yet, how he wants us to witness all of his glory, and be a part of it. This year I'll be going to help out at a five-day long camp from July 25-29, called ERC (English Revival Camp). It's mainly for North Korean refugee youth/students who are in S. Korea. They attend a school called the Heavenly Dream School. South Korean students will also be joining the NK students during the camp; we're expecting around 200 students and 300 participants total!

The students will be able to learn about God and also learn English. Of course, the focus is God! We hope the students can take this time to really establish and root themselves in Christ. We'll be leading Bible studies, small groups, games, fellowship, and, skits. There will also be times for worship. The camp also provides a time and space for students to see what reunification would look like- and, with God, it is beautiful!

So, here are some prayer requests on top of however you feel God's leading you to pray. :) It'd be great if you could come on board with our team and pray for us! The Spirit moves as we pray!

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to come and lead the time.
Whether it's unity amongst the leaders/volunteers or in worship, in fellowship, in relationship-building...everything! Let it be God-breathed.

Please pray for the students!
That they would be able to come with all of themselves, their past, their present, their desires...and see Jesus as the answer and hope for everything. We pray that the young adults will truly be able to find their identity in Christ first, and, be encouraged to live for Him in this world.

Pray for protection!
Reconciliation, Reunification,'s a time the enemy doesn't want. Pray for protection throughout the whole camp.

Pray for our team!
Our Jubilee team is not huge, but, we are all looking forward to this time. Please pray that our hearts would be spiritually prepared and empowered to share love and truth. That we could freely give of ourselves the way Christ gave for us. That we would be joyful and discerning throughout the camp.

Pray for REVIVAL! Please, God...change lives.

Thank you so much! Really...I pray that you read this prayerfully and that you would continue to keep us in your prayers! Your prayers matter so much. God will do the rest.

Also, if you would like to give financially, please follow the instructions online on how to donate (through Jubilink)! Money can be a struggle...but, it can also be a resource used powerfully for God's work. :)



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