The latest corana virus is still spreading across Korea with a high concentration in the city of Daegu. As a church, we are called to pray and hear how God is already working in this situation. We are also called to act and serve in active obedience.
Doctors, nurses, and technicians in Daegu hospitals have been working around the clock to help stem the spread of the virus. They are in the front lines and need our support. Many are overworked and some are quitting due to fatigue and to take care of their own families.
We will be shipping supplies such as beverages and snacks to help fuel the workers. Our goal is to raise 2,500,000 won from donors which will be matched 1 for 1 from our missions fund for a total of 5,000,000 won.
Since time is of the essence, we will be shipping the items by March 13th, with a second shipment a week or two after based on need and fundraising.
Many of you have already given to the Jubilee Moving Fund and we realize this request may stretch the church. However in situations like this, we also know that right time to give is whenever people are in need. One of the defining values of our church has always been generosity. When challenged, God has worked through Jubilee to bless others. We pray this time is no different.
May God bless Daegu and the all the hospital employees working tirelessly to help the sick. May we be a witness for Christ and His church.