Christy Lin

China 2011 Winter

Fundraising Completed

The Harvest is Here.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

     Never in history has there been a time as we are living right now. The signs and driving forces of our present realities clearly point to a crucial period of birthing pains and decisions that bear high stakes. But for the workers of God's kingdom, the excitement of abundant opportunity has come. As I am preparing my heart for a trip to Harbin, China, I am overcome by His presence and an urgency for the lost. This trip marks a firm step into the field of missions, which is a spiritual declaration of dedicating my life to convey God's love and light, no matter the location or situation I find myself in. Harbin is my very FIRST overseas missions trip, and I greatly anticipate all that will occur between January 9th-15th, 2011. Praise God; this journey is the result of a call that I have responded to with a wholehearted "Yes."  
     I would ask that those who are moved and share in the vision of ministering to students in China to partner with me, for how can one accomplish anything without support from the body? Such is the beauty and blessing of those who have come to know the Father; we are automatically united and strengthened by one another.
For the prayer warriors who are never far from the feet of Jesus, I would request that prayers be offered for:
-our team's spiritual sensitivity,
-wisdom and creativity to glorify Jesus in a country where worship is carried out in secret,
-boldness to speak and act accordingly,
-and that our hearts will be entirely focused on carrying out His will. 
    I would like to invite you to partake with me in a celebration of a life redeemed (my own), for I once was lost and now I am found. Let my work make way for the Lord to shine. Let His love, grace, and joy bring continuous refreshment to those in need of encouragement. Over the course of one month, I will need to raise about $1000 U.S. to cover travel expenses, living costs, and supplies. Each measure of support will be one that I am grateful for. Thank you for every offering you have and will continue to sow into this mission trip; may you bear witness to the fruit that spring forth and multiplies in the years to come.


Christy Lin
Ephesians 3:16-18

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