Kay Jo

China 2011 Winter

Fundraising Completed

Let China Feel His Great Love!

Dear Family & Friends,

I am excited and overjoyed to tell you that I’ll be joining a group of brothers and sisters on a trip to China to share the love of Christ!

Since coming to Korea, the Lord has truly blessed me in ways I would’ve never imagined.  Being introduced to Jubilee Church was one of many of those blessings. Through church, campus ministry and discipleship, G-d has taught me to have childlike faith and to always trust in His leading. He has challenged me and put on my heart to join a Missions Team on a trip to the city of Hope.

Our team of 19 missionaries will be going to serve at a camp for the youth (130 students in Grades 7 & 8) from January 9th – 15th to show them G-d’s immeasurable love!
I would be eternally grateful if you would join me in prayer for our trip.

Please pray for:

- wisdom and guidance for Pastor Sangmin as he leads us
- team unity, overflow of love, and G-d’s armor
- spiritual awakening in the city of Hope
- opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ
- strength, boldness, humility and wisdom for all members of the team
- flexibility to move as the Spirit leads

This trip will cost around 1,000,000 Korean Won (about 900 USD) for each team member. If you feel led to support us financially, please do so by following the link below! No amount is too little! If you are unable to do so, please continue to support us with your prayers!

Never stop praying.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Thank you in advance for your partnership with our team! You are loved and appreciated!

In His Love,


“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commandments I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
- Matthew 28:19-20


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