Adrienne Kang

China 2011 Winter

Fundraising Completed

Layers, layers and more layers. That's how you survive the cold in China.


"So be faithful. Obey the commands the Lord your God is giving you today. Love him. Serve him with all your heart and with all your soul".           Deuteronomy 11:13

Being in Korea has been both a blessing and a challenge.   I’ve only been in Korea for a month, and the joke I make most often is, “ I have no life”. Being removed from a full time job, church ministry responsibilities, friends and family back home, has definitely been an adjustment.    As Dallas Willard would put it, I’ve successfully managed to “eliminate hurry from my life”.

In preparation for my time in Korea I prayed that God would prepare the year ahead, and that He would give me the faith to trust Him to lead the way.  My commitment to God was that wherever He led, or however He wanted to use me, I would willingly obey.

For a lack of better words I came to Korea to do some “soul searching”.  But as I seek God for answers, He only reminds me of how great His love is for me, and asks that I trust Him TODAY, and not worry about tomorrow.

Slowing down has given me the opportunity to reflect, reevaluate, and shift my perspective to focus on the things that are really important, and invest into things that will have an eternal impact, and count for something in the end. 

This has led me to an opportunity to be part of the Missions Team to China, from January 9-15, 2011.    There, we will be serving at a camp for youth (Grades 7-8) where we will share aspects of God’s Love. 

If you feel led to give, I would be more than grateful (just follow the links using Jubilink) but most importantly, I would love your support by partnering with me in prayer: 

Please pray for team unity, and that we would really grow to love and serve one another before going out to serve others.

Please pray for physical and spiritual protection. 

Please pray for Pastor Sangmin and that God would equip him with wisdom, a discerning heart, and strength to lead this team.

Please pray that God would soften the hearts of the youth that we will be serving so that many seeds would be sown, and many would come to know the    saving knowledge of Christ.

Please pray that my heart, my ears, and my eyes would be open to the things that God wants to do in and through me so that I would be readily available to make the most of every opportunity to minister to, serve, and love the team and the youth.

In Him,



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