Charlie Chou

China 2011 Winter

Fundraising Completed

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“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”             Philippians 1:6


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            This winter I am blessed to be able to go to China with others in our church.  Since I came to Korea the Lord has been doing something in me to prepare for this trip.  He placed on my heart a yearning to go to China for about 6 months now and I’m super excited to see what’s in store for not only me, but for our group.  Here is a brief description of where we’ll be going and what we’ll be doing.

            There’ll be 19 of us going to China from January 8th - 15th.  We’ll be conducting an English camp at a public school.  The English camp will serve as a medium to sharing the good news.  We’ll be using a variety of mediums such as body worship, skits, arts and crafts and indoor activities to demonstrate God’s love, share the Word, build relationships or build upon existing relationships.  All this can only be done through your support and God’s of course.  Here is how you can partner with us.

Prayer requests:

·         Unity as a team

·         Protection while traveling and while we’re in China

·         Seeing things through God’s eyes

·         God would meet everyone on the team and also all the students we’ll be meeting

Financial support:

            This trip will cost 1,000,000 won per team member and we are responsible for coming up with half of that amount.  The other half we hope will be covered by those that feel called to support us in this way.  Any contribution would be wonderful and it would be greatly appreciated.  

There is much to be done before He returns and as one body we are blessed to be a blessing.  Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for your support in this great work.


In Him,

Charlie Chou

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