Sang Kim

China 2011 Winter

Fundraising Completed

Going to the City of Hope to share the Good News!

Hey Everyone!


Winter has hit Seoul again and even though I grew up in cold weather Boston, it's cold!


I am in the midst of planning for winter English camps and serving on welcoming committee at Jubilee church. So my time has been busy between school and church. I have met some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ here in Seoul. They have been challenging me and my relationship with the Lord. I have been experiencing growth in many areas and this smile hasn't gone away from my face. I know that the Lord has brought me to Korea with a purpose. And right now it is to grow my faith in this community. I am going to respond to God's call once again to China.


I will be going to a city of Hope in China with a team of about 20 members from Jubilee. We will go to school and hold an end of the year camp for the 7th/8th graders. Everything will be Gospel centered without the overt language of the Bible or Jesus or God since it is in China. But our work is only to supplement the great work already being done there by the missionaries. We will also get to spend some time with student believers whose faith is incredible. When I met them last year, it put my own faith into perspective. A student was saving her money in order to pool it together with other students to buy a bible for one of their friends. It is things like this that brings faith in Christ real to the students at this school. Truly, it is blessed by God.


As you may or may not know, China restricts religion of any kind for its citizens. It is through the work of the Lord that this school stands as a testimony because of the love poured to every student that enters its halls. It is doing amazing work with the students and the community. Its one of the fastest growing schools. Also, the area around the school used to be corn fields and now it is a vibrant community with several different university campuses!


I invite you to pray for the school and the work it is doing to minister to the broken people of China.

Please also pray for us as a team and the lives that will be touched by God through us. Please pray for safety, good health, smooth travel and financial support.


Beyond your prayers, if you are led to join me by financially supporting this mission, I would be grateful. Our team needs to raise 1,000,000 Korean won individually. It works out to about $1,000. To make it easy as possible, follow the directions on the Jubilink site. I greatly appreciate any level of support you are able to offer at this time.


I hope that everything is well for you. May God truly bless you during this holiday season. I would also love to hear from you and how you are doing! Send your prayer request too! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this letter and if you have any questions, let me know! Take care and I hope to hear from you soon!


With a heart full of gratitude,


Sang Kim

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