Steve Noh

China 2011 Summer

Fundraising Completed

From a loving brother...



Its Steve here just wanting to update you on the work that God has been doing in my life and how it has led me to decide on going to missions in Harbin, China.  As many may be aware, I am currently in Korea and out here I have been attending Jubilee Church.  The church has been a great influence for me in giving me not only a nurturing environment to develop an intimate relationship with God, but also cultivating a sense purpose for others.  In other words, God has been showing how to love him, and how to love others.

In the midst of discovering how this become a more tangible commitment in my life, I found myself drawn towards the part of the Sunday service where people are asked to go on short-term missions. It began with a simple thought to at least sign up. There was no commitment involved and it was still ambiguous enough to be that dentist appointment far enough away to recede into my mind’s background. However as I began to get the emails and look at the basic training book, I see that I had actually stumbled into a movement that was well beyond the confines of me. 

"18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” "(Matthew 28:18-19)

Missions were described by John Piper as the result of the lack of worship of God all over the world. In other words, it is to glorify God in the areas around the world that are unable to. We, as Christians, have a simple yet heavy responsibility to bring to all nations the good news that God in his hate for sin and love for us, sacrificed his one and only son for the salvation of all people. It has become clear to me that this is truth cannot be contained.

Our Jubilee team is going to Harbin in an effort to be the outstretched arms of God.  As many know, China is not open to having Christianity preached to the masses. Nevertheless we hope to show the loving Grace of God in both the tangible ways of loving the students, but also to point them towards God. We hope that even in the short week that we have with the students, there will be questions that will form and the seeds will be sown.

Some of the reasons why I am sending out this support letter, is for one to request for financial support, which you can send via paypal. Also I would state urgently that we are in need of much prayer.  No prayer goes wasted

However, if I could take this time to be as bold to state that we are not on this Earth permanently. We can invest ourselves to small dreams of a comfortable life with a homogenous group of people OR we can become a part of a great movement that requires much cost and promises the ultimate reward.  Please don’t let the brief moments of these big dreams die with the passing of time or self-justifying reassurance.

"Go, send, or disobey." — John Piper

How to participate:

  1. 1. Go on Missions too!! Haha


  1. 2. Pray for preparation (until July 9th)


  1. 3. Pray for good works. (July 10th to July 16th)


  1. 4. Monetary support at:

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