Adrianne Wang

China 2011 Summer

Fundraising Completed

All for HIM

Hi everyone!

As many of you know, I just finished my first year of college and I am back in Korea for the summer; and this summer, God has opened up another opportunity for me to go to Harbin, China with a group of people from Jubilee Church.  This will be my third time going to Harbin. The past two trips have been amazing and I am so excited to see what God is going to do this time!

From July 9th to July 16th, our team will be working with middle school students for a week long English Camp. It is our prayer that the students would be open to know their Father and that God will be glorified in everything we do. 

With this said, I would like to humbly as you for your prayers for the team. Along with your prayers, if you could assist our team financially, it would greatly appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and thank you in advance for all your support and prayers.

Love always,


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