Pepe Cho

China 2011 Summer

Fundraising Completed

pepe's petition for prayer partnership

dear reader,

hello. i was going to copy and paste the first missions support letter format i found on google but instead decided to freestyle it. hopefully this will make the process of writing a support letter less arduous for me and more enjoyable for you. win-win.

going to the city of hope was not something i was necessarily planning on doing this summer. in fact, it was pretty low on my to-do list. going to a water park, watching kung fu panda 2 and securing some time off from work to do the first two items were higher up on my list.

in addition, i don't like kids and kids don't like me. and that's putting it nicely. i also dislike teaching. a lot. that's why i have avoided the education field altogether when considering jobs.

now when you factor all of those things together, you might be thinking of starting a petition to get me off the team, let alone supporting me. but i guess this is where i can be thankful that God uses even the weak and incompetent to achieve his purpose. in my weakness, there is more room for God to work and be glorified.

and that is also the reason why i want to go on this trip. yes, it is to show Christ's love to the kids we'll be meeting and to teach them english. but more than that, given my severe limitations, anything that is accomplished will be completely by the grace and mercy of God and i want to see God glorified and worshipped as a result... by anything i do and even fail to do.

in conclusion, i guess i'm not necessarily asking you to partner with me. because that would not be the best investment of your resources. instead, if i may have the audacity to say so, i'd like you to accept God's invitation to partner with him in what he's already doing in this world... as he unveils more of his Kingdom that is already here but not yet.

i really covet and appreciate your prayers, especially regarding the following, and, to a lesser extent, your financial support.

1. LOVE, JOY, UNITY for 12 of us (1 Cor12 and Col3) 
2. Students to be OPENed and receptive to God's LOVE and GOSPEL. 
3. Knowing the true identity in Christ for We Are all His CHILDREN! 
4. PROTECTION for the kids and team before, during and after the trip. 
5. God's abundant PROVISION in finance within a short amount of time.

many thanks,

hun jang "pepito" cho

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