Heather Dunlop

Cambodia 2011

Fundraising Completed

I'm going to Cambodia! :)

June 21, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings!  I hope that this letter finds each of you doing well.  Kevin and I are both doing well.  We are finishing our third year living in South Korea and still enjoy being here.  Both of us really enjoy being able to experience and live in a culture that is completely different from our own.  We find new adventures every day, although some of them we just manage to stumble upon.  :)  A few months ago (March), we moved from Pyeongtaek to Seoul; living in a city of 17 million people is quite a different experience!  Since we moved to Seoul, I have been teaching at a Christian Korean kindergarten; I absolutely love it!  

The reason that I am writing is to tell you about my summer plans.  This summer I will be going on a mission trip with our church (Jubilee Church) to Cambodia.  This trip will be a special trip because it is through the Women's Ministry, so it will be a team of all women (which is both a praise and a prayer request).  While in Cambodia, we will be working with a missionary couple who have been ministering in Cambodia for a number of years.  We will have the opportunity to work in an orphanage and minister to a group of women through prayer. 

I would like to ask you to consider one or both of the following support for my upcoming trip.  The first type of support that I would definitely ask you for is prayer.  The dates of the trip are July 30th-August 6th; please pray for my team, both before the trip and while we are in Cambodia.  I believe that we will be met with opposition in the spiritual realm; the Enemy does not like for the Gospel to be spread!  In addition, Cambodia has great deal of spiritual darkness and bondage.  In the 1970s, following the Vietnam War, the ruling regime sanctioned the killing of more than one million people, while many more -- estimated up to an additional one million people -- died during this time due to starvation and disease.  At the time, Cambodia had a population of about eight million people, so you can just imagine what it would be like for one-quarter of the population to die in a short of period!  The genocide and other atrocities that occurred during this time have created a deep level of spiritual darkness and spiritual bondage in Cambodia.  The people not only need to hear the Gospel, but they also need to receive spiritual healing and freedom that ONLY God can provide.  Please pray for God to move mightily in this way! 

The second type of support that I would like to ask for you to consider is financial.  The estimated cost of the trip, including airfare, visas, accommodations, and food, is $1,500 USD.  Please pray about how God would like for you to contribute (if at all), and if you feel led, please donate through Jubilink (www.jubilink.com), which is the website that my church has set up to make it easier for people to donate money internationally.  If you would like to donate and are currently living outside of Korea, please go to the Jubilink website and provide your donation through Paypal.  If you currently live in Korea, it is best to donate through a wire transfer.  If you do not feel led to donate financially, please do not feel pressured.  I understand that the economy has not been good for some time; I do not expect everyone to be able to or to feel led to donate.  In both cases (whether you donate financially or not), I would ask that you pray for the trip and the people of Cambodia.

Sincerely yours,

Heather Dunlop 



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