Jessica Houchin

Cambodia 2011

Fundraising Completed

10 Women: On a journey. On mission.

"Religion that God the Father sees as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  -James 1:27

Dear Friends and Family,

Almost 2 months ago I hopped on a plane and stepped out in faith to commit myself to a year of working in Seoul. Since being here, God has been really faithful. He has already made it evident that He is at work, both in my life and the lives of the people around me. It is very clear that God's Spirit is alive and well here. I never expected to find myself on this upcoming journey when I departed from the States, but I'm so thankful for the path that's being opened ahead of me. 

God has made a way for me to serve the women and children of Cambodia through missions this summer. I will serve as one member of a team of 10 women. We will be leading a VBS for children and working closely with Pastor Jenny Oh who will be focusing on inner healing of the women we will be serving. The team will depart July 31st and return August 7th. My heart has always been moved in the direction of missions. I feel like God is just using this time to prepare me and to rekindle the passion He has already placed within me.

Some of you may be aware of Cambodia's dark past and the ways in which God's people have suffered there. Cambodia has been invaded time after time. With killing fields, and genocide, only occurring 30 years ago, the country can still feel its effects. There are many people who would benefit from inner healing and in the hope of the gospel.

I am very excited for this journey in serving God's people alongside amazing women of faith. I am writing to ask you for prayer for the team, for the people we're serving, and for the healing and growth of everyone involved. We have been moved by the Spirit and move in faith that God will equip us to serve according to His will. Pray that we love well and that the light of God's love will be shared with all of those we come in contact with.

Thank you for taking time to read this letter. If you feel led to support myself or the team financially, we need to raise 1.5 million won or about $1500 USD per person. This will cover our travel, VISA, food, and accomodations, etc. Thank you in advance for your support.


Jessica Houchin

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