Hannah Kim

Cambodia 2011

Fundraising Completed

Support Hannah Kim

Dear friends,

Thank you for your interest in our Cambodia missions this year.

Returning to Korea and Jubilee three months ago, after three years, God has called me to summer missions. I am excited to share this experience with you as God reveals His heart to the women and children of Cambodia.  

Personally, God has been working in my life by revealing to me that I am only living a fraction of the life He created me to live without pouring out my life completely in the ministry of the inner life. This missions calls us to intercede for the women and children of Cambodia and I ask that you pray with me, that His atonement may be recognized and is as fully understood in the lives of the people dwelling in Cambodia as it has been in yours.

I ask that you set aside the time to Pray and intercede on our behalf for the following things:

1. Preparation for missions - that God would prepare our hearts and we would be spiritually and emotionally prepared, and that we would have unity. -also for logistics (schedule and flights)

2. Safety and protection - safety in travels, and spiritual protection

3. Healing - that their would be inner healing, that women and children would be free to start living out God's will and that they would receive His blessings.

As you cover me and my team in prayer, if you feel called to make a financial contribution, this trip will require a lot of finances.  Each of us on the team has to raise $1,500 to cover flights, accommodations, meals, and supplies. If you are able to support us this way, please visit our “Project Page” on  Jublink and donate as much as you feel you are being lead.


In Him.






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