Lisa Cranford

Cambodia 2010

Fundraising Completed

Support Letter

Greetings family & friends,


It’s hard to believe that I have been in Korea for almost 4 months now! Wow, time has flown by. I am really enjoying my time here. God has provided for me in every way thus far, and I know that He will continue to provide for me in the future. He has given me with a wonderful new church, many friends to share life with, and an amazing opportunity to serve Him in Cambodia. He is so good!


I am thrilled to find that I am able to go on a missions trip during the only week I am off this summer. Is God’s timing perfect or what? Also, I found out that the focus of our trip is that of prayer, ministering to women, and inner healing. Even though I know that prayer is essential to the Christian life, I find that I do not pray as much as I need to. I know that the Lord will use this trip to strengthen my prayer life and I am looking forward to it. On the area of ministering to women, I feel as though the Lord will use this trip to prepare me for future ministry. As for the emphasis on inner healing, I find that this area is one that I am unfamiliar with. I know that the Lord can and will heal, if He so chooses, and I am eager to witness God’s healing power. I am excited to see how the Lord will glorify Himself in Cambodia!


I pray that I will be a blessing to my team and to the people I will meet in Cambodia.


Prayer Requests:

  • God’s glory to be realized
  • The love of Christ to compel us to love others
  • A spirit of unity among our team
  • Physical and spiritual protection against the enemy


If you would like to support me financially, please visit There is a PayPal option on this JubiLink site. Thank you for your prayers and support. I am grateful for your encouragement and love.


In Him,


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