Jouna Lee

Cambodia 2010

Fundraising Completed

Mission trip to Cambodia~~*

Bonjour à tous!!!

Who would have thought that someday, I would be sitting in front of a computer and writing a support letter? Well, I am the first one to say that I never imagined myself in this situation, and as I am typing this, I am still not sure what to write and am asking God to give me wisdom. But in any case, I hope this letter finds you well.

I will begin with a summary of how I came to decide to go on a mission.

As some of you may know, I came to Korea last year, April 2009, to take some classes in Korean for a few months. After completing one semester I was trying to decide whether I should stay a little longer or not, and unexpectedly God provided me with a position as French editor at a law firm. I have been working here for almost a year now.  To be honest, there have been ups and downs but God truly showed me His love through people I have met here at work and in Korea in general. Colleagues, Christians and non-Christians, and friends at church have shown me in so many different ways how to love, how to be patient and more understanding towards others and I have to be truly thankful for that. This past year in Korea has been full of enriching experiences but I have now decided to take a step forward and move to New York in September for another exciting adventure!!

But before wrapping up my stay here my heart felt drawn to show Love and Obedience to the Lord. I have to admit that my thirst and hunger for the Lord was not always there, but I have come a long way since then. For this reason, I never associated the word ‘mission’ with ‘me’. The word ‘mission’ always sounded better with ‘others’. But being at Jubilee, how many times did I hear Pastor David shouting ‘hub for missions!’  And every time, I was thinking ‘hhmm…definitely not me…”. Haha~ But more and more, as the church began announcing different missions for this summer, it planted a seed in my heart that started to grow, and eventually I found myself slowly acknowledging the fact that it was maybe ‘go time’ for me too!! And the week for the mission to Cambodia, August 1~8 worked best for my company. So here I am, getting ready!!

Having shared my thoughts and situation with you, this will be my first time to share His gospel with others and I feel like I am the last person on earth that should be allowed to go! So, I am asking you to pray for me. And also, I want to ask you to pray for the below :

1. As you know, the unity of the team is really important!! We are 10 women, different in ages, cultures, backgrounds and all, so please pray for the unity of the team. Pray that we may be able to take good care of the one thing we have in common, maybe the only thing that we have in common, which is our love for the Lord. Pray that God will be watching over us, and protecting us.

2. Please, pray for Pastor Jenny Oh who will be leading the whole conference, to be attended by 700 to 900 Cambodian women. Pray that the words that come from her will be the words of God, and that she will speak truth only.

3. Pray for all the Cambodian women who will attend this conference. Only 30% of them are actually Christian, and the reason why the other 70%, the non-Christian women, decided to attend this conference remains a mystery to us. But we know that this must be part of God’s amazing plan for each and every one of them, so pray that there will be overflowing love and blessing throughout the conference. We will also spend some time with orphans and wherever God leads us. Please pray that our team will go and be seen as a blessing and also be blessed. Maybe only one heart will be changed, but may that one heart belong to one of the next Christian leaders of Cambodia.

4. I really need your prayers. My heart still feels unstable at times, and Satan is having some fun trying to make me doubt my way. So, please friends, pray that God will protect me throughout this mission, from the preparation stage to the very end, and that I will focus on Him only and prepare my heart wisely. Pray also that this may be an opportunity for Him to improve and refine my heart, and an opportunity for me to get closer to Him and let Him have control of my life and future. As it says in Psalm 37:5 : “Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”

The last thing I want to mention and you know what it’s going to be…financial support!!! Donations!! Yay!!! Haha~Please, don’t hesitate to donate if your heart feels like doing it or if you feel like He has called you to do so~~*.  We want to raise as much as possible and be able to give a good amount of Love offering, enough that will really help spread the love and word of the Lord in Cambodia.

You can support us through jubilink via PayPal at Or you can wire money to my account in Korea.  Any way that works best for you, is fine with me!

Most importantly, please do not just read our prayer requests, actually keep them in mind!! =D

Thank you for reading this whole thing! And thank you for your support!! Much love to you all~^^

Au revoir mes amis…<3


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