Jino Chung

English Unification Camp 2013

Fundraising Completed

Support Jino Chung


Dear Friend,

            Thank you for taking your time to read this letter. I will skip the personal update for I believe you and I are well aware of each other’s life without having me to address it here. If not, I thank you for being curious enough to click on this letter. I hope to meet you in person and share life with you some day. Until then, may God’s grace and peace be with you :)

            In the past 3 years, I have had the privilege to join Jubilee’s Short Term Missions to Heartland and China. It has always been such a learning and blessing experience to witness His garden work during these crunch times. This year, God has allowed me to join the English Unification Camp(EUC) as it conveniently fell into the week of my work vacation.

            EUC is an annual, weeklong, English camp that enables North and South Korean students to interact, fellowship, and learn together in preparation for the unification of Korea through the Gospel. We will be serving from July 22-26 with about 50 North Korean refugee students and 150 South Korean students. Heavenly Dream School will be partnering with various English ministries to support this camp.

         We would greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support as we prepare and embark on this journey. May the Holy Spirit prompt you to join and be one with us that the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ would be revealed to all.


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