Joshua Lamb

English Unification Camp 2013

Fundraising Completed

Unifying through Film

Loving Family and Friends,

  As Charlotte and I seek out to live out our dream of being film makers that stand out for God, we journey along wonderully structured paths designed by God to fulfill His desires. We couldn't ask for a greater cause than making films that bring people from all parts of the planet together in knowing Christ more. Our newest journey to join EUC has already been blessed unimaginably. There is nothing we need. god has already provided His blessing. Yet, a financial request is being sent to you all from Charlotte and I for 200.00 to bring 3 more North Korean students to the EUC camp, where God is presentable to them and they have the opportunity to know the love He has for them. 

Chalotte and I will be leading the filming and promotional media for the camp, and we can't do this wothout you. So if financial support isn't possible, then we ask and beg of you to pray for us to have steady hands and an overwhelming talent of putting together the films at the camp in a way the God is relatable and presented perfectly that the children wont see God as the big, uncomprehensible figure in the sky, but in fact, feel God's love in thier search for transformation. 

To conclude, can you donate your pocket change or pocket prayers? It means a lot to us and these kids. 


Oh i cant leave you without giving something interesting:

Pirates wore eye patches to have one eye adjusted for the top deck and the other already adjusted for the darkness when going below deck. 

Hope that enlightened you. Please help us enlighten the world with love. 

Thank you so very much,

Charlotte and Josh

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