Jhon Kim

English Unification Camp 2013

Fundraising Completed

English Unification Camp


Hello brothers and sisters! 


 I'm excited to be a part of a mission team that focuses on sharing God's love to the people of N. Korea. I have never been on an organized short term missions trip before.However, I believe that everyday and anywhere is our mission field. God touched my heart and changed my life back in 2010 when I surrendered my life to Him. Ever since that time, God has placed in my heart a passion for people and an urgency to reach out and proclaim the "good news" of Christ Who changes lives for the good. He wants everyone to know of His love through Christ our Savior and I am willing to be a part of this missional life. I'm so grateful for this opportunity and I'm so blessed to be able to serve. Please pray for me and if you feel led to, please help support by donating. Each member of the EUC team's goal is to raise 250,000 won. God bless you and Praise His name forever and ever, Amen!


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