Ryan Suh

English Unification Camp 2012

Fundraising Completed



Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


This summer I was called to serve the church under the CM/JYM Pastor Sangmin. One of the roles that I took responsibility for was the English Unification Camp, a retreat that helps North Korean refugees and South Korean students unite through English and the love the of Christ. I am excited to see what God has planned for the volunteers and for the students.


EUC will begin on 23rd of July and end that following Friday the 27th.  This year’s theme comes out of Ezekiel 37 and we want to see 200 students give their lives as a vast army for the Lord.  Also we are praying for students from two different cultures will learn to grow as one in Christ


Would you join me on this trip as my prayer and/or financial supporter?  Please commit to praying for me daily for the trip.  Enemy will do anything to keep people away from hearing the gospel so on their behalf please commit to intercede. I want to see His kingdom advance mightily in this generation.  This is the purpose of my life and I pray that this is why you do what you are doing. Pray for heart of God that through this you may see father’s love and His love for the lost. Thank you for taking your time to read this and God Bless to all.


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