Joyce Ra

English Unification Camp 2012

Fundraising Completed


Dear. My brothers and sisters in Christ

Hi everyone!! Half of a year has already gone. Time flies! How have you been?

Personally, really many unexpected things have happened to me this year so far. It is not always pleasant to face unpredictable situation. Passing through those unwelcome events, I realized that I didn't really know God. The more I think I know God, the more I see that God works in His way beyond my capability of understanding. It frustrates me sometimes, but still, I believe the Word given to me this year that "for everything God created is good, nothing is to be rejected if it is recieved by thanksgiving."

And, there is one thing coming up which will show how our awesome God works amazingly again.

After about 1 month from now, July 23~27, 130 South Korean middle and high schoolers and 70 North Korean refugee students will experience being bound as one body in Christ. About 100 volunteers from Handong university, churches in Korea and a college missions organization from the States are serving this camp. This is 6th EUC this year, and it'll be my 2nd EUC following last year.
The theme of this year is Vast Army come out of Ezkiel 37. We dream the leaders of next generation serving the reunified nation in the near future with holy passion for the kingdome of God. We expect and pray that God will raise His children to be His vast army through the camp. Also, we want the kids see how God created people in uniqueness and weaves them in unity.

I still remember what God did and how He worked at EUC last year. I remember the kids' tears before God, their twinkling eyes with desire to know God, and dance of joy and freedom from the Heaven. This camp may be a small beginning in their spiritual journey like planting a seed. It is not noticeable enough, but we know that God will faithfully grow the seed in their heart and harvest the fruits in His time.
Now, I want to invite you to this amazingly beautiful chance to participate in building the kingdom of God. I'm asking you for partnership through your prayer rather than just supporting me.


Please pray for the camp
- for physical, mental, spiritual protection, strength and unity in all staff and volunteers
- for the fulfillness of the Holy Spirit
- for students to open their heart to recieve the Word of God and to confess Jesus as the only savior
- for the unity of North and South Korean students

Please pray for me
- to be hymbly led only by the Holy Spirit
- I'm in charge of leading and training the Bible study leaders for this and next Saturdays. (There will be 4 workshops every morning during the camp, and Bible study is one of those. Each student group will rotate all workshops every 1hour. So one Bible study workshop leader will give 4 same lessons a day to 4 groups.) Please pray for the trainings and Bible study workshops in camp.
- to be purified and filled with love of God and overflow it to kids and other staffs


Also, the cost of the camp for each participant is 250,000 won this year. If you feel led by God to support us financially, you can do so via (EUC). Any extra fee will go for helping North Korean students.

I'm so thankful for God bless me having great sisters and brothers in Christ like you. Thank you for your sincere prayer and support.

In Christ,


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